FREE Video Training - How To Get A Consistent Flow Of Paying Clients (...without ever being salesy, pushy or inauthentic!)

Time To Grow Your Coaching Business

*with Business Coaching & Mentoring you can trust

I would love to support you on your journey - making your coaching vision a reality.


From Coach to Conscious CoachpreneurÂŽ


When we first train as a practionner we become a Coach. 

I remember how excited I felt when I finished my coaching training 10 years ago and thought about the vision I held for my new business.

As we learn how to build a profitable business, we make the shift from Coach to Coachpreneur and move onto the path of getting paying clients and growing our income.  But it doesn't stop there.

I also remember how important it felt to grow my coaching business in a way that felt authentic and made a genuine difference in the world.

When we go on this journey as a Conscious CoachpreneurŽ we move onto our highest path. 

As a Conscious Coachpreneur, we not only make an amazing living we also become our best self in the process and consciously live out a greater sense of purpose and futlfilment as we make a difference for others in a way that only we can make.

This brings a sense of purpose, fulfilment and flow that goes way above and beyond making money.

The result is a high-impact, sustainable coaching business that will change lives, including yours too!

More Clarity?

Do you feel lost - like you don't know, what you don't know? Is your head so full of ideas and information you don't know where to start, or what to do next? Do you wish you knew how to lay the right foundations for your coaching business, in the right way?  Would you like to be able to have your big ideas simplified into a clear and proven set of strategies and simple steps to keep you focused, with accountability to make it happen?

More Confidence?

Do you wish you could stop second guessing and doubting yourself?  Is it time to do the transformative work that is going to release what's holding you back, once and for all, and supercharge your success? Could you do with a business wingwoman and strategic thinking partner - someone to boune ideas off, an expert to help answer your questions no matter how big or small, someone to encourage and support you. especially when the going gets tough?

More Clients?

Would you like to short-cut the learning process of what it takes to go from starting from scratch to enjoying the financial security and freedom a thriving coaching business offers?  Would you value the support of a trusted expert, with proven experience and results to help you build solid marketing foundations, grow an engaged audience, become the obvious go-to person and enjoy the fulfilment of working with a consistent flow of paying clients?

I can help you with all of this - but don't just take a coach's word for it - always check out their references...

Sadly, the world of coaching and mentoring is an industry which is still not regulated...and I understand there's a lot of smoke and mirrors going on out there.  Unfortunately, I've met many coaches who before working with me have invested their trust and money in coaches and mentors who have not delivered.  That's why, rather than me try to tell you how good I am at what I do, I've asked some of my previous clients to tell you in their own words...

Click Here to Download What Nic's Clients Say

How does it work?

Business is personal, especially the business of coaching.  Your support should be personal too. Discover the personal and trusted 1:1 expertise and support you need to create the coaching business you crave...

You’ve waded through all the overwhelming amounts of free information, tried courses and group programs and have created some results in your coaching business but you’ve been craving the personalised support of a one-to-one business coach and mentor because you know deep inside this is the missing source of bespoke know-how and support that will unlock your full potential.

In my highly personalised 1:1 programmes, I work privately with you, guiding and supporting you every step of the way.  I work with you to build the essential foundations for a successful coaching business leading to sustainable growth - in the right the way that's right and will work for you.

During your one-to-one support programme you will, for example:

  • Get absolute clarity on your Big Why and the vision for your coaching business: this vital step adds vital magic to your marketing, messaging and momentum.  Sadly though, it's often overlooked by new business owners, or not done properly, leading to the dreaded ‘going round in circles’, missing the mark or ‘hitting a brick wall’ further down the line.
  • Nail your "niche" (as some experts say) - but I prefer a more powerful approach that goes deeper than 'niche' and gets you confident and crystal clear on your ideal client who is already searching for your coaching services.
  • Develop your signature brand and compelling marketing messages to stand out from the crowd for all the right reasons raise your profile, build an engaged audience and develop a flow of inbound enquiries and consultation bookings.
  • Banish enrolment-overwhelm as you learn the essentials of authentic enrolment mastery to confidently create a steady flow of paying clients without ever having to use any sales gimmicks, or come across as pushy, awkward or inauthentic.
  • Learn the 6-step planning process to get your dream business into the world - creating a one-page FLOW plan where 80% of your big results come from 20% of your efforts. Ensuring you get real and accelerated results, while avoiding overwhelm or burnout.  Start every day with your very own bespoke roadmpa and clear action plan, with everything broken down into clear, simple steps to guide you.
  • Get support with making it all happen with clarity and confidence - never get stuck, and always feel on track . Depending on your chosen marketing strategy (although I call them 'marketing bridges') whether it involves building a community, speaking, networking, organising events, digital evergreen funnels, writing a book, getting PR, etc...I've done all of these myself so I am able to support you at every step from a place of both expertise and personal experience.
  • Avoid the common mistakes it’s so easy to make, especially when you’ve never set up your own business before.
  • See through the jargon and complexity which can make you falter before you’ve even got off the ground.  Technology has changed the face of business today, and whilst it creates endless opportunities, the less technical savvy business owner can quickly find themselves drowning in a sea of unfamiliar ‘techno-speak’ and an endless array of seemingly complex options.
  • Get the help and support you need without any unexpected costs.  The investment in my 6-12 month programmes is both affordable (no 10K+ programmes here) and fixed. There are no hidden extras and you will get all the know-how and support you need from me without having to pay another penny.

With a fully-guided and highly personalised approach, I help you create a personal recipe and action plan for coaching success - and the support to make it happen.

Your programme provides a powerful blend of 1:1 business mentoring and personal coaching, strategic thinking, practical tools and exercises - all supplemened wirh online business training content.

We cover all key areas for starting, growing and sustaining a successful coaching business in the right way for YOU.

As a business coach and mentor who is also a certified transformational coach, I also help you to develop and nurture the essential 'Inner' business resources we all need to:

  • Overcome fear and procrastination which may prevent you from achieving the success your truly desire.
  • Harness and channel your passion in a way that maintains balance to avoid loss of momentum through ‘Boom & Bust’ or burnout.
  • Uncover and transform any limiting beliefs acting as obstacles blocking your success.
  • Build your confidence and courage as you step outside your comfort zone doing and learning new things.
  • Maintain focus, determination and courage to be able to push through the inevitable challenges.
  • Inspire, reassure and accompany you on what can sometimes feel a lonely journey when you first start out!

Together we put in place the essential foundations of a successful coaching business, go from great coach to amazing Conscious Coachpreneur and grow a wildly successful, impactful and fulfilling coaching business!

Ready To Take Your First Step?

If you're ready to build a thriving, high-impact coaching business, I would like to offer you a complimentary kickstart consultation, 60 minutes with me on Zoom to find out how you can turn your coaching vision into reality...


50% Complete

Two Step

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