FREE Video Training - How To Get A Consistent Flow Of Paying Clients (...without ever being salesy, pushy or inauthentic!)

Turn your BIG calling into a great living!

Ready to make YOUR Difference? Ready To Change More Lives?  Ready To Make An Impact And Income That Will Change YOUR Life Too?

Business Coaching & Mentoring To Start/Grow/Scale Your Thriving Coaching Business.



How To Get A Consistent Flow

Of Paying Clients

(...without ever being salesy, pushy or inauthentic!)


I Believe Coaching Has The Power To Change The World*

*And The world Needs You

If you're in the process of starting (or trying to grow) a coaching business, chances are you feel called to make a difference.  There's never been a better time to bring your passion for helping others and the power of your gifts and expertise to the world.  There are people and companies out there who need you and what you do.

No doubt you've already invested time, energy and money to train as a coach.  Perhaps you're still in the process of qualifying. If you've already qualified, congratulations, that's a brilliant achievement and an exciting milestone!  Perhaps you've already worked with pro-bono clients or built a small practice.

But chances are, you realise this is only the beginning...and you're finding the whole business-building process somewhat overwhelming and struggling to get enough paying clients. Sound familiar?

Setting up a new practice

The good news is that setting up a coaching business is relatively easy and requires minimal investment.  However, there's a big difference between setting up the business basics to be able to practice, versus building the foundations of a thriving, high-impact coaching business that effortlessy attracts your ideal clients, generates a sustainable  income and most importantly makes that big difference you feel called to make.

Building a thriving business

Sadly, many purpose-led, heart-centred coaches get stuck when it comes to marketing and knowing how to get a consistent flow of paying clients.  Since starting my career in the coaching industry back in 2013, I've witnessed the struggle. Too many brilliant coaches end up constantly worried where to find their next client, start to doubt themselves, and lose their confidence as their initial excitement turns to fear and frustration.

You're NOT Alone!

The struggle is real for the majority of coaches in their first few years:

“I want to build a business that makes a difference, I just don’t know where to start when it comes Marketing”.

“I know I am good at what I do, but I hate the idea of having to promote and sell myself”.

“I'm willing to put in the effort, but nothing I do seems to be working and despite all my efforts I'm still not making enough money".

"Most of the 'busines experts' are all about enticing clients with a 6 or 7 figure business dream, but that's not what my coaching clients are looking for".

"I trained to help people, not feel like I have to spend hours on social media.  I just want to coach!".

For almost a decade, these are the daily comments I hear from gifted, purpose-driven coaches who are struggling to get their coaching business off the ground.

Who Am I?

Wecome to GYCB! My name is Nicola Huelin - call me Nic! I’m a 10-year transformational coaching veteran, business mentor, marketing expert, TEDx speaker and author with over 25 years’ business and marketing experience.

It doesn't matter how big or small your coaching mission is, it probably feels "terriciting" - half exciting, half terrifying!  Sound familiar?  I know it was for me when I started my coaching business from scratch, back in 2013.  For many years I focused solely on helping working mums who struggled with overwhelm and wanted a better work-life balance.  The brand back then was originally called CEO Mums.

I realised fairly early on (or rather it came and found me during one of my morning meditations) that my coaching mission was, and still is to this day, to empower 1 million women in business [if you don't identify as a women, please read on - because you ARE in the right place too...]

My background in marketing and business gave me a headstart, that I perhaps took for granted at the time.  I was soon earning more from my 1:1 coaching than I did at the peak of my corporate consultancy career (while raising a family and working a 4-day week between school runs).

I'd been coaching (both private individuals and in the corporate space) and built a thriving coaching business that went beyond even my own wildest dreams, so I guess that's why I naturally/organically kept getting asked by a lot by other coaches "How did you do it?". 

I realised I'd been given a gift. 

In addition to making a difference through my own 1:1 coaching work, which I still do to this day ( I realised I had a very special opportunity to help other coaches achieve THEIR coaching dreams and fill their coaching practice. 

In turn, my clients would go on to empower 100's if not 1000's of other men and women.  In this way, I'd be fulfilling my mission in an even bigger way by becoming part of this exponential empowerment-ripple-effect.

As demand from coaches grew, I wanted to be able to welcome and work with coaches who didn't feel they fitted under the Mpower umbrella (or didn't like pink - Mpower is definitely a full-on expression of my personal love for blush pink!)

...and so

...Grow Your Coaching Business was born!

I believe in the power of coaching to change the world and - even though we might not have met yet - the fact you're here reading this tells me you can be at the forefront of this change for good too!

Where Are You At?

You’ve probaby spent hours pouring over the tonnes of free information, invested in a bunch of courses and tried following advice from the ‘experts’, but things still aren’t happening.  Despite all the time, energy and effort you’ve put in, you’re still not making enough money (barely enough to cover a few bills).

While it’s not all about the money – your driving force is to make a difference - you know you need paying clients to sustain your business and support your financial needs. The fear of running out of money and returning to a job you despise, or staying in paid employment while you try to build your coaching business on the side, weighs heavily on you. Each passing week and month feel increasingly unbearable.

Even IF you’ve managed to build a small audience and generate some initial interest (which felt like an arduous, time-consuming task in itself) - the conversion into paid clients remains elusive. You feel like you’re floundering when it comes to the crucial initial consultations and struggle to convert interest into enough income.

It's all feels very hit and miss.  You're left wondering where you're going wrong and what you should be doing differently? You firmly hold onto your values of authenticity - resorting to a pushy or sales-driven approach is not an option. It's simply not who you are, nor who you are willing to become to achieve success.

It all feels WAY harder than you thought it would be. You’re starting to question if your coaching business will ever be viable, let alone give you the financial certainty, stability and freedom you crave. 

Doubts begin to creep in, draining your energy, dimming your passion, and weighing you down with worry, doubt, and overwhelm.

How Can I Help?

I am here to guide you through your own business transformation...

Together, I will help you build a wildly successful and fulfilling 1:1 coaching business, where you can finally achieve the financial stability and freedom you crave, doing the work you love with people who light you up, fully living your purpose of making a genuine difference in the lives of others.   Even if you're starting from scratch!


You've built solid foundations and know exactly how to attract your ideal clients and confidently fill your coaching books with a consistent flow of premium 1:1 coaching clients - never having to undervalue your services and without having to work longer or harder, or ever feel pushy, awkward or salesy.

Finally, your coaching schedule is brimming with paying clients who ignite your passion and light you up. You feel proud of your coaching success, as it not only provides you with an amazing living and lifestyle but also allows you to make the meaningful difference you are called to make in the world.

Together, we turn your dreams into reality. Your coaching business reaches soaring heights of success You experience the transformation you've been longing for, where financial stability, purposeful work, and a fulfilling impact intertwine harmoniously, lighting up your coaching journey.

The future is bright...

As you step into the realm of a highly successful coaching business, a sense of deep fulfilment washes over you. You wake up each day with an unshakable knowing that you are making a meaningful impact on the lives of your clients. Their growth and transformation fuel your own sense of purpose, and you feel an immense joy knowing that you are helping others create the lives they truly desire.

With your coaching business thriving, you find yourself experiencing an extraordinary level of freedom and autonomy. No longer confined to the constraints of a traditional job, you have the power to shape your own destiny. You set your own schedule, choosing when and where you work, allowing you to cherish precious moments with loved ones and pursue your own passions.

The impact you have on others reaches far beyond what you could have ever imagined. Clients share stories of how your coaching transformed their lives, forever grateful for the support you provided. Your legacy is woven through the lives of those you have touched, as they go on to inspire and uplift others, continuing the ripple effect of positive change.

Amidst this success, you remain rooted in the essence of who you are. And through it all, a profound sense of fulfilment and balance permeates your life.

With determination, passion, and unwavering dedication, you can build a wildly successful coaching business that not only transforms the lives of others but also brings you the fulfilment, freedom, recognition, and abundance that you truly deserve.

"95% Conversion Rate" When I first started working with Nic I had no paying clients... no niche and was still feeling stung from my unpleasant burn out experience. I had walked away from my job with no pay off and nothing to go to. Needless to say that I was having little success. All I had was a dream of setting up a coaching business. One of the most valuable things I learned from her was the Burning Platform Consultation. This is a structured and memorable way to manage "discovery calls" leads to really powerful initial conversations that turn into paying clients, which currently gives me a 95% conversion rate!!! I can’t thank Nic enough for this because it changed my business. I would highly recommend, so that you take away the stress of not knowing what to ask or how to feel in control of a conversation, and of course so that you can start earning money quickly! She is one of the most genuine, caring and kind people I have met in my life! She has been through quite a lot herself and she has harnessed the positive from that to help and support others, who now benefit not only from her genuine support and interest but also from her razor-sharp business knowledge."

Kath Curry

"I would highly recommend coaching with Nic to anyone looking to build their business in a sustainable, innovative and exciting way. She is an outstanding business coach! I knew I wanted to build a coaching practice but had no idea how I would make that a reality. I knew I needed mentoring around the business side of things, as well as coaching around confidence and mindset. With Nic’s incredible support, I am delighted with the progress of my business and my increased confidence and knowledge. Nic is incredibly knowledgeable, supportive and innovative. She has an amazing ability to link in different ideas and see how the pieces fit, even when I can’t."

Gem Kennedy

"Three months on from our first coaching session, I have been able to sell out my flagship group program days before registration closed – a first for me. I have also learned how to have conversations with potential clients that not only serve them, but allow me to invite them to work with me in complete integrity. Not only am I making more offers to clients, I have doubled my prices and feel that both my clients and I are getting what we need from our relationship at last. Working with Nicola has been an essential level up, addressing not only my outer skillset but my inner dialogue. The fears and anxieties that were holding me back have been brought out into the open. I’ve been able to address the ones that had foundations, and release those that had none."

Nina Farr

"I personally struggled with identifying my niche and clarity around messaging. Nicola helped me iterate on it until I understood who I wanted to serve, how, why, and how to communicate it to the world…which resulted in signing 7 clients from social media posts and referrals. And we are just getting started!"

Karolina Frydrych

"Nicola has this incredible instinct when it comes to marketing and her passion for what she does shines through always. I cannot recommend Nicola’s marketing programme highly enough. It helped me get clear on my message and my mission and believe me, before I started, I didn’t fully understand what marketing really was, let alone know how to approach it. Thank you, Nicola, for all your help and support. I couldn’t have done it without you."

Michelle Levy

"She REALLY knows her stuff when it comes to business and making it work for you. I learned things from Nicola about business and strategy I hadn’t learned in 11 years. Nicola walks her truth and is so passionate about doing everything in her power to make sure everyone that works with her can do the same. I know she sounds ridiculously perfect and she is!"

Brenda Gabriel
PR Coach & Mentor

"Nicola is the most authentic, genuine and heart-centred coach I have ever worked with. Her continuous support has been simply powerful. Nicola has this unique ability through her presence can see through the mental models and what I said to get to the crux of the issue. If you are looking for someone to guide and support you... look no further. And you will never look back. With Nicola you will co-create and achieve powerful things. She will truly empower you to achieve your full potential."

Fabienne Vailes
Coach & Mindfulness Practionner

"In a time when media is saturated with coaches promising 5 figure incomes whist working from your laptop for 2 hours a day because you spend the rest of the time drinking champagne and posing in front of the Eiffel Tower - Nicola is a beautiful, fresh spring breeze."

Louise Cartwright

"She really, genuinely cares about you and your business, and that’s something really rare. ...She’s helped me with strategy and mentorship on a monthly basis to help me reach my goals in my business. What’s really fantastic about her is she is so professional, she puts in so much time even before the coaching session and afterwards to make sure she has delivered such good value for every session."

Gayle Berry

"Nicola is a woman of extraordinary passion, integrity and just plain goodness and she is someone we need at the helm."

Anja Manning Cucinotta

"Your support has really been instrumental every step along the way and I am so sincerely grateful!!"

Shannon Jones

"This year has seen massive personal and business progress for me and I absolutely put it down to Nicola’s support. Nicola is absolutely one of THE most genuine, caring women I have the honour of knowing and working with. Nic has helped me grow from a self-doubting dreamer to someone who now has the confidence to say to the world ‘I am a business woman, fulfilling my lifelong dream.’"

Sarah Thomas

"Working with Nicola has been an amazingly eye-opening experience. It was one of the best business investments I have ever made. One of the main things I really developed whilst working with her included building a momentum on LinkedIn and creating a proper marketing strategy. I started having more 1-1 calls with potential clients. Nicola teaches you about proper marketing. She supports you in a very bespoke way and teaches you how to be a business owner on your terms."

Soma Gosh

"Nicola exudes professionalism and warmth, combined with an ability to gently draw out from you exactly what is needed, exactly at the right time. When needed, she also offers practical tools, frameworks and shortcuts for getting you where you need to be, quicker than you would have done without the knowledge she has shared."

Sara Hatta
Leadership Coach

"With Nicola's help, I have been able to dramatically transform my company. I reached out to Nicola during a very busy year...My time constraints were excessive to say the least and everything seemed to be hurtling by at 100mph with no clear sense of direction. With Nicola's help, I have been able to dramatically transform my company, my work-life balance and most importantly my sense of purpose and direction. The guidance and coaching I have received from Nicola has undoubtedly fuelled my success and enjoyment of the process."

Alex Butler

"*She knows her stuff* I can't think of anything more I would want from a mentor. She lifts you up and helps you find power and resources from within that you didn't think you had. She invites you to see your true potential and then fights your corner while you make it happen. She knows her stuff and she doesn't just talk the talk, she walks the walk, making her the ideal role model. She treats you like an equal and it's fun working with her, yet it feels like you're in a meeting with a calm, wise Buddha. Her warmth and generosity are endless, she is a genuine diamond."

Emma Middleton
Health Coach

"I highly recommend working with Nicola for business coaching and mentoring. Nic is so easy to work with - I like her blend of coaching and mentoring. A year on, I feel really in flow with my growing business."

Jess Anisson

Ready to take the next step?

Looking for a 1:1 business coach and mentor with a proven track record to help you build a thriving coaching business, grow your coaching income and amplify your impact in the next 12 months?


How To Get A Consistent Flow

Of Paying Clients

(...without ever being salesy, pushy or inauthentic!)


50% Complete

Two Step

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